Thursday, March 17, 2011

Medicare Paid Millions for Viagra and Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Medicare has been paying for many men's Viagra and erectile dysfunction drugs. While the prescription drug benefit in Medicare pays for many different drugs and medications, it does not pay for all medicines that may be prescribed by a doctor. Apparently, since 2007, ED drugs were not covered under the Part D prescription plans, unless they were prescribed for certain medical conditions. In many cases, Medicare incorrectly paid for millions of dollars for Viagra and other ED erectile dysfunction drugs.
Medicare Paid for Viagra and ED Drugs Incorrectly

Per the news reports, apparently prescriptions have been paid under the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan system that should not have been paid for. The overpayments or incorrect payments is estimated at over $3 million dollars.

Medicare Incorrectly paid for Viagra and other Erectile Dysfunction Drugs


Joseph P. said...
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Joseph P. said...

Having insurance would be a great help to them. Medications now a days are very much expensive. As patients it is our responsibility to take medicine in the proper way.

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