Monday, December 5, 2016

How Much Caffeine in Tea?

Have you ever wondered, how much caffeine is in tea? If you love this beverage, and are concerned about not drinking too much of the caffeinated beverage. Then read this and find out.

Most people will enjoy a caffeinated beverage in the morning, or perhaps, throughout the day. Tea drinkers may want to know how much of the jitter juice is too much for their dietary needs.

Per the FDA, 90 percent of people in the world consume caffeine every day.

How Much Caffeine in Tea?  

Per the USDA, for a normal 8 oz cup of tea, the amount of caffeine is about 26 mg.

Per the MayoClinic. The estimates are measured from an average 8 ounce cup of the liquid beverage.

  • Black tea, 8oz - approx 14 to 70 mg 
  • Green tea, 24 to 45 mg

Some Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine

If you are consuming too much your body may respond in different ways. Some of the side effects can include the following:

  1. Jittery and shaky feelings
  2. Faster heart beat
  3. Headaches, dizziness, nervousness
  4. Hard to fall asleep
  5. You may become dehydrated
  6. Increased blood pressure
  7. Dependency

Other helpful reading:

  • FDA. Medicines in my Home: Caffeine and Your Body. Here.

We hope the answer to this question has been helpful.

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