Saturday, October 1, 2016

Top 5 Alkaline Promoting Foods

Learn more about some of the top alkaline promoting foods and determine if you want to include these into your healthy diet. The list certainly includes green leafy vegetables, but also features others that you may not know about. Controlling the acids that you consume is the goal for those that employ the actions of balancing acidity intake with more neutral and positive alkalinity pH. Feel better.

You may have heard of various diets that attempt to balance the acid versus alkaline content of your blood and other bodily fluids. It has been reported that maintaining a somewhat neutral balance, meaning neither too alkaline or too acidic is important to maintaining good health.

Importantly it refers to the relationship between diet and acid base homeostasis, which is the body's attempt to regulate and balance these two forces within the body. For those that feel it promotes good health, will eat these types of foods everyday.

Top 5 Alkaline Promoting Foods      

This is certainly an incomplete list, as there are many foods that promote alkaline balance within the body, but this is my list of favorites. See what you think. Who said eating healthy could not taste good too?

1. Leafy greens: spinach, kale and turnip greens

2. Cruciferous vegetables: brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower

3. Fresh fruits: tomatoes, apples, watermelon

4. Carrots

5. Zucchini

Eating these foods helps to modify and improve a person's pH balance level.

Include these and others such as green beans and celery into your diet to help fight toxic acid overload, with the Alkaline Food Plan. Adding more to your daily diet could improve and promote a healthier body and support organ health.

Many people feel that balancing the pH level in a person's body, helps them to feel better, with more energy and vigor.

Stay healthy with proper diet and exercise. Also remember to discuss everything about what you eat and take with your doctor before beginning any new dietary regimen.

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